An AHGP Transcription Project

1881 Taney County Gazetteer and Business Directory
Source: Missouri State Gazetteer & Business Directory

A settlement of 50 inhabitants in Swan township, Taney County, 5 miles east of Forsyth (court house), and 50 south east of Springfield, its shipping point. Beaver creek furnishes excellent power at this place. Cotton, produce and stock are shipped. Land can be purchased at from $1 to $25 per acre. Mail, weekly.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Brown, Rev. Isaac (Baptist)
Kissee, A. C. & Son, General Store.
Kissee, Arter, postmaster.
Kissee & McHaffie, flour mill.

Thirty-five inhabitants in Scott township, Taney County, 10 miles south of Forsyth (court house), and 59 south of Springfield, the nearest railroad approach. Cotton is the chief shipment. Land ranges from $5 to $25 per acre. Mail, semi-weekly.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Brown & Davis, saw, flour mill and cotton gin.
Fell, George, physician.
Hopper, Rev. C. (Baptist)
Larrabee, Rev. O. H. P. (Christian), Postmaster, General Store and Justice.
Speer, Rev. John (Free Will Baptist).

Taney Co. (See Gwan.)

A discontinued post office in the southeastern part of Taney County.

A village in Beaver township, Taney County, 15 miles north east of Forsyth (court house), and 69 via the mail route south east of Springfield, its nearest shipping point. Big Beaver, on which it is situated, has available water power. It contains a population of 150. Shipments, wheat, furs and leather. Mail, semi-weekly.

Trades, Professions, etc.
McPherson, J. L., postmaster and general store.

Established in 1878, is located in Beaver township, Taney County, 21 miles north east of Forsyth (court house), and 55 south east of Springfield, its shipping point. Population of township, 800. Mail, semi-weekly.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Dean, Robert T., postmaster.
Hedley, Daniel, justice of the peace.
Lawrence & Campbell, general store.
McPherson & Bunch, general store.
Robertson, Floyd, justice of the peace.

This postoffice, locally known as Stoneport, is in Cedar Creek township, Taney County, 12 miles south east of Forsyth (court house), and 56 south east of Springfield, the shipping point for its product of cotton. Stage to Forsyth, daily. Mail, weekly.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Baughman, Henry, blacksmith.
Carner, G. W., cotton gin.
Cline, Robert, blacksmith.
Coulter, J. M., general store and cotton gin.
Gray, J. M., live stock.
Kissel, A. C. & McAffee, flour mill.
Morse, Scott, live stock.
Trammell, J. H., Justice of the Peace and Postmaster.

A small place of 20 inhabitants in Taney County, 2 miles south west of Forsyth, 60 south of Springfield its nearest railroad approach, and 301 south west of St. Louis. Mail, once a week.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Shelter, G. F., postmaster.

Located on White river, which is navigable one third of the year, in Taney County, 5 miles south east of Forsyth (court house), and 50 south east of Springfield, the nearest railroad point and bank location. Cotton is the chief shipment. Population, 40. Mail stage to Forsyth semi-weekly.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Canner, W, G., postmaster.

A landing on the Missouri River, in Taney county, four miles southwest of Savannah, the County Seat, and about twenty miles by river, above St. Joseph. It lays on low ground, on bottom land, between two hills.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Bradley, --, grocery.
Manning, George, general store.
Moses & Harvey, store, flour mill and pottery.

In Taney county, lays contiguous to Amazonia on the south and east, on the Missouri river, and contains one store and saloon, and one wagon shop.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Caplea & Lyle, general store.
George, Enoc, blacksmith.
George, Joshua J., wagon maker.
Hull, E. C., saloon.

Is a small place in Taney county, of little importance, containing a store and post office.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Livingston, John, post master.
Sheppard, Richard, gen. store.

The name of a small place near the west edge of Taney county, in Jackson township, 10 miles northwest of Savannah, the County Seat, near the Nodaway river.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Knickerbocker, dry goods.
Laughlin, Duncan & Co., gen. store.
McLaughlin, --, dry goods.
Spicer, Carlton W., post master.

A small place in Taney county, seven miles north of Savannah in the bottom of One Hundred and Two river, on the east side, which is here one-half mile wide. On the west side of the river is some timber.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Heren & Rhoades, (S. P. H. & Newton S. B., gen. store.
Hunter, Peter, blacksmith.
Laney, Joseph & John, woolen mill.
Ogle, John, propr. of flour and saw mill.

A small place in Taney county in the east part of the county, nine miles east of Savannah, the County Seat. It is on the Platte River, the distance from St. Joseph being only 15 miles. The place is in what is called second bottom land, with plenty of timber in the vicinity, but it is not overflowed with water. The road on which it is situated is a great thoroughfare. Population 360.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Baldock, Warren, prop., of Rochester House.
Blunt, Henry, postmaster and notary public.
Cushing, --, blacksmith.
Devoss, John D., of Shanks & Devoss.
Ford & Scadlon, gen. store.
Groff, Samuel B., grocery.
Gager, Dr., physician.
Hector, Wm., blacksmith.
Kear & Ingall, gen. store.
Long, G. W., blacksmith.
Miller, Daniel, saw mill.
Manning, E. M., physician.
Phillips, --, clothing.
Ruby, --, drug store.
Rich, Leonidas, hotel.
Shanks & Devoss, gen. store.
Segrist, Philip, wheelright.
Simmons, F. A., physician.

The County Seat of Taney county, situated 14 miles north of St. Joseph, at the present termination of the Platte Country Rail Road. It is 165 miles northwest of Jefferson City, in a most delightful section of the country, abounding in groves of elm, and gently rolling prairie. The village is laid out at right angles with streets 80 feet wide, except one, which is only 60. The blocks are 320 feet square, and in the centre of the place is one planted with trees and containing the court house and county offices. Around this square is built the principal business houses. The public buildings have been built some time and will soon give place to those of more ample accommodations and modern date. The streets run east and west and north and south, the former being named Chestnut, Pearl, Main, Market, Jefferson and Benton, and the latter are numbered except two, which have the euphonious names of Carson and Gyer. The nearest point to which the Missouri river approaches this place is six miles. The exact location of the town is section 9, range 50 north, and 35 west. It has a population of about 2,100.

Alderman, Eli, gen. store.
Anderson & Pickett, (Jas. A. & Chas. P.), lumber.
Austin & Barber, prop. of Union House and livery stable.
Austin, Thomas, of Austin & Barber.
Barber, Charles, of Austin & Barber.
Bariteau & Dinwiddle, (L. A. B. & D. D.), carpenters.
Beale, A., editor & proprietor of the New Era newspaper.
Beard & Hudson, hardware, stoves & tinware.
Berolchimar, B. H., saloon.
Bigger, L. D., of McCandliss & B.
Boyle, J. T. Rev., Methodist Church North.
Bradford, Ward, city marshal and manufacturer and dealer in furniture.
Bryant, W. H., physician.
Butcher, David, of Snoderly & B.
Cameron, Mrs., dressmaker.
Carlyle, Wm. B., saloon.
Carlin, John H., painter.
Carpenter, Thomas, of Ferrison, Crow & C.
Carter, John R., post master.
Challacombe & Roberts, (W. C. & P. S. R.) real estate agents.
Christian Disciples Church.
Conner, John G., saddles and harness.
Conover, R., clothing, boots and shoes, and hats and caps,
COUCH, M. I., prop. of the Dewitt House and livery stable.
Davis, J. J., lawver.
DEWITT HOUSE, M. I. Couch, prop.
Dinwiddle, D., of Bariteau & D.
Eader & Hees, (Jacob R. E. & John G. H.,) merchant tailors.
Earls, W. S., general store.
Eberhard, L. & G., blacksmiths.
Elliott, James, carpenter and wheelwright.
Eppler, David, proprietor of Savannah and Clarinda stage line.
Ferrison, Crow & Carpenter, (Peter F. Robert C. & Thomas C.), blacksmithing and wagon making.
Flack, W. S. & Co., lumber and agricultural implements.
Frasse, Henry, physician.
Frazee, J. E., Baptist preacher.
Frodsham, Wm., watches, clocks and jewelry.
Garrett, S. F., hardware, stoves, tinware, crockery and agricultural implements.
Giddings, N. B., lawyer.
Hancock, Wm., meat market.
HARLAN & KELLEY, lawyers.
Hatton & Storrs (Thos. H. & Geo. S.), prop. Savannah flour, saw and carding mills.
Hees, John G., of Eader & Hees.
Herron, John P., of Flack & H.
Herron, Wm., Circuit judge.
Higgins, J. C., lawyer.
Hobson, W. R., loom factory.
Hopkins, J W, Campbellite preacher.
Howard, T. S., physician.
Hudson, John S., of Beard & Hudson.
Hutchinson, B., blacksmithing & wagonmaking.
Jenkins, Thomas, restaurant.
Jenkins, Wm., groceries and toys.
Johnson, J. A., of Terrell, Johnson & Wells.
Joy, S. P., groceries.
Joy & Van Buskirk, (John F. J. & Rufus V. B.), photographers.
KELLEY, HENRY H., of Harlan & K.
Keeves, A. S., of Wm. Zook & Co.
Kenison, --, boarding.
Kolbrenner, G., shoemaker.
Landecker, D., dry goods, boots and shoes and clothing.
Laten, Charles, carpenter.
Maag, Casper, cooper.
Majors, John, meat market.
Masonic Lodge, No --- .
McCandliss, & Bigger, (R. R. Mc. & L. D. B.), drugs and books.
McCandliss, R. R., physician.
McLain, John, President, Savannah Savings Institution.
Methodist Church, North.
Morfitt & Lauber (John M. & A. L.), shoemakers.
Morgan, James K., saloon.
Miller & Davis, (Robt. G. M. & J. J. D.), lawyers.
Miller, R. L. C., groceries.
Murley, James, saloon.
Nodaway Lodge 14, I O O F.
Norval, James N., shoemaker.
Phillips, E. A., livery stable.
Pickett, Charles, of Anderson & P.
Price, W. A., wholesale & retail groceries.
Presbyterian Church, N S.
Presbyterian Church, O S.
Rea, David, lawyer.
Roberts, Porter S., real estate agent.
RUSSELL, J. B., gen. store.
Savannah Savings Institution.
Schmitt, Jacob, cooper.
Schuster, A., clothing and boots & shoes.
SMITH, R. E. & CO., drugs & books.
Snoderly & Butcher, (Henry H. S. & David B.), blacksmiths.
Southard, A. M., gunsmith.
Storrs, George, of Hutton & Storrs.
Stryker, W. M., O S Presbyterian clgy.
Terrell, John, saddles ancl harness.
Terrell, Johnson & Wells, (W. F. T., J. A. J. & W. S. W.), groceries.
Tyner, J. H., gen. store.
Union House, Austin & Barber, proprietors.
Van Buskirk, Daniel, saloon.
Van Buskir, Rufus, of Joy & V. B.
Wakefield, M. F., physician and druggist.
Wassmar, C., manufacturer and dealer in furniture.
Waterman, Justin C., stock dealer.
Watts, J. R., agents U S Express and dealer in books and stationery.
Wells, W. S., of Terrell, Johnson & Wells.
Wilson, W. B., gen. store.
Wright Brothers, (Chas. W. W. & S. P. W.), groceries.
Zook, Wm. & Co., gen. store.

Is in Taney county, 12 miles northeast of Savannah, the County Seat, and lays close to Platte river on the east side, being built on account of the excellent mill privilege on section 27, range 61 north, 34 west. There is much timber on that side of the river for two or three miles, with but little west of it. Population 220.

Trades, Professions, etc.
Barrows, David & Co., gen. store.
Bradford, D., hotel.
Brown, Napoleon B., physician.
Clark, Silas, blacksmith.
Cline, H., groceries and postmaster.
Christian Disciples Church.
Houston, W. H. H., physician and gen. store.
Rundel, Wilson & Co., gen. store.
Stoner & Bashor, saw and flour mill.
Weaver, Wm. W., gen. store.
Wilson, N., postmaster.


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